Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Best Friend: 13 Things I Love and Promise....

     I really enjoyed doing this post to my children. They're obviously the most important things in my life and I love them unconditionally. I started thinking more and more about the most important people in my life. My fiance, my mom, my brother and my friends. Without my friends I would have gone crazy and lost it a long time ago. So this post is to my best friend who keeps me sane on a daily basis.

Dear Best Friend,
     There are a million "best friend" lists out there. So many of them apply to our friendship. However, these are some of the things that I love about our friendship. These are some of the things I promise to you forever and always. After all, who knows which is longer.
1) I will always snap chat you to ask about any article of clothing, for myself, before I buy it.
     I can't even begin to fathom what I would be wearing right now if it weren't for pictures and snap chat. Being a mom makes staying in tune difficult and you're always there with your opinion and I appreciate that. I will also tell you my opinion on anything you're about to buy. I won't stop you from buying it but I will tell you that the fluffy, funny shaped rug you're about to buy is way too weird.
2) I will always be here for you.
     I will be here to cheer you on. I will be ecstatic about the good. I will listen to you vent. I will trash talk anyone or anything that is bad. I will happily punch people in the face for you if I have to, or at least threaten to do it to make you feel better. I will play devil's advocate. I will find the positive. I will listen and understand. I will do whatever I need to do to get you through things. No matter what.
3) I will always encourage over-indulging.
     Alcohol. Food. Shopping. Coffee. Sometimes, you just need it and I am the person you can count on to understand that and make you feel way less guilty about it.
4) I will make sure that we always have a show together.
     I love that we have shows together. We just kind of fell into that fact that we both already loved One Tree Hill but I want to make sure we always have one. It's a silly connection that I really enjoy. If it could always be a show with Sophia Bush in it, that would be just fine by me!!!
5) It doesn't matter to me how much or little time we have together.
     As long as we talk, text, snap chat, facebook, instagram, tweet and see each other as often as life permits, I am happy. I know that we can pick up right where we left off no matter how little we see each other and I know that we will always be there for each other regardless of time spent together.
6) The fact that we both love....
     glitter, sparkles, Taylor Swift, One Tree Hill, the same genre of books, the number 13, the beach, Starbucks (although my addiction to that was your fault), the Patriots, crime/cop shows and so many other millions of things, makes me us, us. Our similar tastes in things combined with our many differences is what makes things so perfect!

7) Men are infuriating.
     That is why we have best friends. The way I see it, if I didn't have you to vent to about the man in my life, I probably would have killed him by now. Having a friend who understands and listens and will go out with me to do things when he won't (or I don't want him to) is exactly what I need. Of course, I am here to do the same for you. They may be our other halves but I think you complete the first half of me.
8) I really appreciate and love the way you care for and love my kids.
     I cannot wait until you have kids so I can love and spoil them in the same way that you have mine! I am also happy to let you borrow mine for an extended period of time to insure that you don't have kids until you're 100% ready and want to. I assure you if I load them up with sugar and stuff before I leave them with you, it will make you want to wait. Most people find it difficult when they have kids and their friends don't but with you that has never been an issue and it just makes you that much more incredible.
9) I love that I can trust you with anything.
     I know that no matter what I say to you I can not only trust you with it but I know that you won't judge me. You won't judge my stupid moments, my angry moments, my bad moments or habits, my imperfections. None of those things have ever changed your opinion of me. I know that I can talk to you about anything. No matter what I hear or if something is bothering me, I'm going to talk to you about it directly. It is incredible to have a friend like that. I know that you know you can expect and do the same with me.
10) The stupid, ridiculous, silly things are my favorite.
     When you can't do math or I say something completely idiotic and we just laugh, for like, 5 years about it, those are some of my favorite moments.
11) I like that no matter what we do, we have fun as long as we're together.
     Whether we go on a trip or stay in and eat junk food and watch OTH or just head to Target for absolutely no reason at all, we're having a good time. No matter what it is that we're doing just hanging out with each other is enough to revive my soul.
12) I will always remind you just how amazing you are.
     I will always be here to tell you you're beautiful, brave, smart, kind, funny and wonderful. No matter how bad of a day you're having I will always be there for a pick me up. Sometimes I will probably even say it just because I feel like it. Every one of those things is true. You are one of the most amazing and driven and intelligent people that I know. You are going to do wonderful things with your life and I will be here every step of the way.
13) You will always be my B. Davis to P. Sawyer.
     It's the best way to say it. Lets face it, we've had ups and downs. We've gone through rough patches. Maybe we've never actually physically hit each other but there have been times when we have both felt that way. I can't express how amazing it is to have made it through all the bull shit and come out the other side closer and stronger. I will never let anything separate us again. I need you in my life. I want you in my life. You're a keeper. I love you J. Davis. Forever and always. 
Love always,


  1. I love you to the moon and back. You have an amazing soul and I am so very very lucky to have you in my life. You absolutely complete me. Always & Forever my P.Sawyer. xox
