Friday, November 15, 2013

Where are you Chirstmas?

     I love the holidays. I love all the holidays. Easter, Independence day, Thanksgiving, New Years, Valentine's Day. I just love the excuse to decorate or send cards or spend time with my family. My absolute favorite is Christmas. I think I could listen to Christmas music and watch Christmas movies all year long. I guess if I did that it might not be as special but I absolutely love Christmas things. I love it at Christmas time when you turn on the TV and all of those cheesy, romantic, super lame Christmas movies are on Lifetime and Hallmark channels. You probably stop and watch 5 minutes and wonder, who on earth watches this crap? Well, that would be me! My fiancée makes fun of me pretty much every day during December.

     What is it that makes Christmas so special? It's not about getting presents. I honestly couldn't care less if there was nothing under the tree for me. There is nothing that brings me more joy than watching Gabe on Christmas morning or giving my mom a gift that makes her cry. I love that feeling that you get when someone loves the gift you got them and it's so special to you because you picked that thing specifically just for them. I love walking into the crazy hustle and bustle of the mall that is completely decked out in Christmas decor and just wandering around. Most people hate the crowds of Christmas but it calms me. I shouldn't even start on how much I love Christmas lights... it's like the ultimate symbol of Christmas to me.
     I think most of how much I love Christmas comes from my mom and my grandmother. My mom has always been huge on Christmas and making sure it is special. I also lived with my grandparents for a few years while I was in high school. My grandmother LOVED Christmas. Every year since I was a baby they would put thousands of Christmas lights all the way up the driveway, around the yard and on the house. There was nothing more magical to me growing up than driving up the driveway while everything was lit up with arches going over you and ropes up the sides, Santa and his reindeer in the yard. It was just an incredible feeling that I hope to pass on to my children.
   I wish the Christmas season lasted longer. I know that every year it seems to come earlier and earlier and yet it just isn't enough time to really enjoy it. I want to bask in Christmas for a lot longer than 4 to 6 weeks! It just goes by way too quickly and after I had Gabe it started to go by even faster! Now that I have two kids I feel like it's going to go by so quickly I'm not even going to notice that it came and went! So I am making a list of things I want to make sure that I do this holiday season.

- Christmas photos with the kids
(This project has already begun! And it was super fun and cute the first time! Can't wait for more!)
- Make Christmas cookies with the kids
- Get a big, real Christmas tree
- Decorate the tree
- Decorate the house
- Drink tons and tons of peppermint mocha!
(I'm great at this one!)
- Watch Christmas movies
- Drive around to look at Christmas lights
- Do a sleigh ride
- Go Christmas shopping
- Make a Gingerbread house
- Enjoy my time with the kids and fiancée
- Listen to Christmas music
- Go ice skating
- Wear sweaters
- Turn all the lights off and drink hot cocoa while looking at the Christmas lights
- Bring the kids to see Santa
- Write letters to Santa

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