Thursday, November 28, 2013

Reasons to be Thankful

    I think sometimes the holidays tend to get lost in all the hustle and bustle. The traveling, the food, the preparations, the decorations, the lights, etc. etc. etc. I, personally, worked a lot of holidays, just wanting the holiday pay and not caring about the holiday itself. That all changed once I had a family of my own. Now I can't imagine having to go to work on a holiday. Especially now that Gabe knows what they are! I had to work two Christmases ago when he was 3 and he just kept asking me why I had to leave him on Christmas. I literally bawled the entire way to work and probably for most of my shift. I never want to have to do that again. If I had to work I would make due, but I am lucky enough to have people around me who understand that I have young children and don't mind working themselves.
   Since that dreadful Christmas night going to work, I have vowed to embrace the holidays and enjoy every minute that I can with my family and friends. Since it is Thanksgiving, I want to take some time to list some of the things I am thankful for. I want to try and do this every year so that I can look at the past years things and compare them. I want to list whatever I am thinking, no matter how big or small it is.

I am thankful for....

- my kids, obviously.
- my fiancé, even when I want to punch him.
- my friends because they're always there for me and they're awesome!
- my family. Even when they're on my last nerve I know it's because they love me and have my best interest at heart.
- my best friend and all the time she makes for me in so many ways.
- snail mail because it always lifts my spirits
- my bed because the sheets are so soft, the comforter is so comfy and it's oh so warm and snuggly.
- Sophia's baby smell. It literally calms me every time I smell her.
- my car starter and seat warmers. It has been so cold and windy. It's so nice to get into a warm car!
- movies. Even though it makes work crazy I love it when a good movie comes out.
- my work. I would lose it if I couldn't get out of the house. Plus, I enjoy my job.
- hot showers. Sometimes I can't even function and a hot shower cures all.
- Starbucks peppermint mocha lattes. Enough said.
- lavender vanilla Yankee Candles. They're so relaxing.
- the feeling that Christmas season is here!
- my cats. They're so cuddly and needy and I give me so much love when I need it.
- my faith. It keeps me rational when I just want to freak out.
- the feeling of a good change potentially coming soon. Change can be so good sometimes!
- football. Everything about football makes me happy... except when the Patriots lose.
- my Patriots snuggie. I love love love it!
- music.
- texting. Keeping in touch via constant texting is such a wonderful tool.
- facebook and instagram. It's a silly feeling but getting a notification is awesome!
- smartphones.
- this blog. It really gives me, me time even just for a brief second and I love to write!

There are a million things I am thankful for so I think I will stop there! Take some time today to think about all that you are thankful for!

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