Wednesday, November 13, 2013

13 things you might not know about me yet

1. I have a love affair with the number 13. It has been my number for as long as I can remember. There is no real rhyme or reason behind it, it just is. During middle school and high school it used to pop up on an exceptionally good day or sometimes when I needed some guidance in a specific direction. I have since realized that that was probably all in my head but I still love the number 13. (I also have a favorite letter. Is that weird?)
2. I am obsessed with Taylor Swift. It all started with a car ride to the seacoast with a friend to watch some of my guy friends play soccer. She had a new album by a new artist and we listened to it on the way there and on the way home. Ever since then I haven't been able to get enough of T. Swizzle. I have seen her 3 times in concert at Gillette Stadium and I just really enjoy her.
3. Alex and Ani bracelets are my favorite! I got my first one in June (The Queen's Crown, of course) and have been hooked ever since. When they announced that they were coming out with NFL bracelets I thought I was going to explode with excitement! They're just so fun and easy!
4. I really enjoy getting new notebooks and planners. Most of the time I use them for a while and then just move on to a new one because I enjoy getting them so much. I honestly don't know what the appeal is other than my OCD and just loving to write but I love a new notebook or planner.
5. I am a little too honest sometimes. I am the type of person who really doesn't like to lie. I think there are times when I may be a little too honest. I don't try to be hurtful but there are a lot of moments where I really should have kept my mouth shut or thought through what I was going to say before I said it. It's something that I really need to work on. However, it is also something that I like about myself as long as I say things the correct way.
6. I don't like bars. I like going to clubs and dancing but I cannot stand going to bars. I don't know what it is about bars that make me feel uncomfortable but they are just not my scene. I would much rather go to a club and dance or go out to a restaurant and sit at a table to have a drink.
7. I have a hard time saying no to the people I love. Most of the time, I have no problem telling people no. But when it comes to the people in my life that I care the most about, my kids, fiancée, mom, brother, and closest friends, I cannot say the word no to save my life unless I absolutely have no other option.
8. I sometimes feel like a teenage girl. I have a lot of likes that make me feel like I'm still a teenager. I love Disney, princesses, Taylor Swift, anything glittery, cheesy romantic movies, things that light up and glow. It's like part of me forgot to grow up.
9. I adore movies. I enjoy all kinds of movies from romantic comedies, to action, to comedies, to drama... I really like a little bit of everything. I am a manager at a local movie theater and I guess that working with the theater for almost 10 years now has rubbed off on me because I really enjoy all kinds of movies.
10. Driving is my passion. It doesn't matter where, it doesn't matter what time or day or what the weather is. I just love to drive. I love to drive with the windows down with the music blasting. I love to drive in the snow when no one else is on the road and everything is just covered in white and completely quiet. Driving clears my mind and makes me feel like I am in control of my life.
11. The ocean is my safe place. When I go to the ocean I feel so close to God and my faith. I really don't know why. I think it's just the vastness of the ocean and the beauty of it all. It just makes me so grateful for all that I have. It makes me feel so alive. If I know I need some clarity, that's where I go. Whether it is warm or cold, it is the place I go to rejuvenate myself and my faith.
12. I hate mold... and bees... For some reason the two things that I cannot handle are mold and bees. One look at mold makes me want to vomit. Enough said there. If a bee is anywhere within my eye sight, my bee-dar goes off and I am running as fast as possible in the other direction. I have jumped into freezing cold water to get away from a bee. I have laid down on a hill and rolled away from a bee that was flying my face. There is no logical reason for it. I just hate them.
13. I am an open book. I will pretty much tell anyone, anything about myself (not about other people). I am not afraid to be who I am. I am not embarrassed about who I am or my life choices. I wear my heart on my sleeve. You can probably tell my mood from one look on my face. That's just who I am.

So there are 13 things that you may not have known about me yet. Now you do!


  1. <3 I love reading your posts :) It's no wonder we're soulmates, haha! Even though I knew all this, (except 13 being your favorite & hating mold lol) I love learning even the littlest new thing about you! :)

    1. I'm so glad you're enjoying it! Thank you! Feel free to share it on your social media sites! I'm looking for more readers! <3
