Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Goodbye 2013....

     I have never felt so much emotion about the new year. Normally, it feels like just another day to me. This year I am so sad to see 2013 go. It came and went so fast. I feel like it happened in the blink of an eye. I may just have an emotional attachment due to the fact that it has the number 13 in it but it really was a fantastic year for me!
     2013 brought so many changes! A very close friend got married. I became very close with some old friends and made some new friends. I had a beautiful baby girl who made my little family even more perfect than it was before. My relationship with James became so much stronger. My brother moved away and came back. My mom moved in with us until she moves away in 2014. Gabe started school! I changed jobs. I bettered so many things about myself, my attitude, some health things and my general life.
     Almost every change has been a positive one. I made myself one big resolution last year and bunch of little ones. The big one was to take care of myself, do things that make me happy and better my life. I think it is super important to be happy in order for your kids and family to be happy. I am very excited to say, I have never felt so accomplished in completing a New Year's resolution before. I have definitely put myself out there and changed so many things in order to better my life and make myself happy. Obviously, there were some hard moments. I'm not even remotely suggesting that my life was all sunshine and rainbows. That is not even possible but  I do feel like the rough patches made the good things even better!
     I feel like I changed my attitude in a big way this year. I let myself be more positive instead of negative. I let myself enjoy the small moments more. I spent more time with my kids and just relished in it instead of stressing about what chore needed to be done. I wasn't perfect with these things, or with anything, but I did get a lot out of the amount that I did change. Maybe this year I can change even more and make it even better!
    I had a list of 15 small things that I wanted to do last year. I am proud to say that I accomplished 8 of them and 1/2 accomplished 3 others! I would like to continue to work on those things as well as start a new list of things. I want to improve my life even more in the years to come. I want to strive to be better in all the areas of my life. I want to work hard, have fun and just enjoy life. You would be surprised just how great it feels to actually resolve some new years resolutions! I want to keep doing that!
     This year I want to continue on with making myself happy and bettering my life. I would also like to add another big resolution to it. Let go. Let go of the things that are out of my control. Let go of the past and enjoy the future. Let go of grudges. Let go of worry and regret. Let go of meaningless petty things. Let go of stress. Let go of fear. Let go of people that bring my down. Let go of trying to be perfect. There is no such thing as perfect. Hold on. Hold on to my kids and my fiancé. Hold on tight to the people that are there for you. Hold on to hope. Hold on to dreams. Hold on to happy. Hold on to even the smallest moments. Hold on to life.
     Letting go is not going to be an easy task for me. I'm not usually the type of person who holds grudges or anything but I am a perfectionist. I am a worrier. And I do like to have control of everything! Letting go of those things is not going to be an easy task but I know that if I am less stressed it is going to help me accomplish my goal from 2013 even better than I did in 2013.
     So bring it on 2014! I'm ready to embrace everything that you throw at me! I'm ready to accomplish some goals and better my life even further than I already have!
     Challenge accepted 2014, challenge accepted!

     Besides... with these two cuties how is it even possible to be unhappy? Sophia is barely 8 months old and they play so well together already! It's such a wonderful feeling! (Don't worry guys, I'm not delusional, I KNOW they're going to fight like crazy and drive each other nuts when they get older. But for now, well I'm just gonna hold on to these moments!)

1 comment:

  1. Letting go is hard, but so worth it. Holding on is essential. xox
