2015 you bring a promise with you. A promise of new. A promise of better. A promise of life. Life isn't perfect. Life is messy. So messy. And crazy. So crazy. Yet your promise renews a fire in us to become better people. The people that we want to be. So I could make 100 resolutions of which I would probably break at least 75. So instead, this year, this is what I resolve.
Everyday is a new start. Everyday is a new experience. Every day is a new time to do what is right and good. Everyday is a new moment to capture so that you can make the most of this life. This is what I resolve. This is what I choose. I choose to wake up everyday with fresh eyes and a happy heart and open myself up to the possibility of absolutely anything and everything.
2014 was full of so much. It was full of pain, sadness, loss and heart break. It was full of traveling, adventuring, new friends, old friends and excitement. 2014 was full of life. There is no other way to explain it. I want 2015 to be full of many of the same things but I want to embrace and enjoy every last second of it. I want to soak it all in. I want to remember every moment and record it into my memory to stay forever. I miss so much by letting life rush right by me and that is what I want to change.
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