I guess I knew that writing a blog was going to be tremendously difficult. 2 kids, a full time job, house work. It doesn't leave much time for anything else does it? So my 25 days of Christmas was an epic fail. Maybe next year I'll be better at this and try again.
Life has been a complete whirlwind of things the past few weeks! I haven't had a spare second for much of anything which is why I haven't written. It makes me really sad to say it because I absolutely am loving blogging so I want to post at least once a week if not more! Maybe I'll make it one of my New Year's resolutions. ;)I have settled into the new job. So far I like it a lot and I'm definitely starting to get to know and bond with my new co-workers and staff but I DEFINITELY miss my old co-workers and staff more than I ever would have imagined. Just thinking about it makes me tear up. But I know I can visit them (like yesterday when I had to go pick up some large cups because we ran out and they had some to spare) and hopefully even hang out with some of them soon. :)
This is what they wrote on the chalkboard at my old work on day 3 after I left. When I went there last night it was still there and they have kept up with it day by day. I love it. You have no idea how loved (and sad and happy) this makes me feel.
My days have been filled with A LOT of this. Coffee has been my life line. And I'm in love with my new mug. :) It says "I love you a latte" Hahahaha!
The Christmas season came and went far too quickly! But I certainly did enjoy every second of it. We made cookies and these cakes that we frosted. Gabe really enjoyed it and I definitely enjoyed watching him work.
This lady has been stuck with me a lot lately. We've done a lot of fun things and a lot of errands and craziness. I helped her move into an apartment much closer to me (YAY!!!) and we did some Christmas shopping together. We drove around the state of NH and MA one day moving a few boxes, getting keys to the new place and talking so much that I missed my exit and almost made my mom late for work. (Yikes!) She even came to the work company Christmas party with my as my guest because James couldn't make it. We had a great time! Just being together always makes everything more fun!

Gabe's Angry Birds ornament!
Sophia's first Christmas ornament!
My Christmas ornaments! "Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is a Patriots victory!"
Tigger as Santa that Jenn bought me! And my snow baby that I fell in love with!
On Christmas Eve we went to James' brothers house where his brother dressed up as Santa and took pictures and gave presents to the kids. Gabe called him out on being Uncle Don immediately. Luckily, all the little ones are too little to notice. The second picture is Gabe with his beautiful cousin Charolette. And the last picture is Sophia and Uncle Don in their typical serious conversation. :)
Later that night Gabe and Sophia put their stockings under the tree together and Gabe brought out the milk and cookies for Santa. He was concentrating so hard because he was so afraid to drop them! It was adorable!
Santa had a hard time fitting everything in the living room and near the tree. We are all far too spoiled.
On Christmas morning both kids were very surprised and happy with their new gifts brought by Santa. It was such a wonderful Christmas with so much joy and happiness!
We did have to bring one of our cats to the emergency vet on Christmas but he is home now and is doing much better! Our Christmas is complete because Boots is all better and home with his family.
And right now... well I am happily blogging, drinking coffee and doing a great job at avoiding chores, while Sophia naps and Gabe plays outside with the neighbors!
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope your days were as wonderful and family filled as mine were!
(PS- Thanks for kicking me in the butt Amanda. I really have been missing blogging!)
Keep up the blogging and ill keep up on my Google+ checking! I enjoyed reading your blog and miss you guys so much! I haven't had much time myself with the new job and actually getting 40+ hours a week! Well I'm off heading to pick up Ashley and going to an N/A new years eve party but I'll be coming by tomorrow after I get out of work so if you're not working I'll see you then! Wish Gabe, Sophia, bj, mom and james a happy new year for me!
ReplyDeleteP.s there was an awful lot of exclamation points in my post!!!!!
Thank you Nate! We miss you too! I didn't even know you had started a new job. And thanks for reading my blog. I really really enjoy blogging. It just lets me get things out and clears my head. I love it and I'm super glad you enjoy reading it! See you soon! I'm home all day! I totally want those pictures of Serenity that you promised! ;)
DeletePS- Don't worry about the exclamation points... I'm a huge exclamation point user... it's bad! :)