Saturday, October 26, 2013

Moments that make life worth living.

   As I was lying in bed trying to fall asleep and not succeeding I decided to do something I've been meaning to do for a long time now. I decided to start writing. I don't know how good at it I will be or how much I will have time to write but I want to try it anyway. I want to have a place to share my thoughts and feelings and funny stories. I want a place where I can write things that people can read and hopefully relate to.
   So I made myself a hot cup of decaf tea in my favorite Tigger mug, put on my Patriots snuggie, and got comfortable with my lap top. I actually got the idea from another blogger and amazing friend in her blog post the other day. I realized that this is something I can do for myself. Something I can do to just sink into my own thoughts and feelings.
   I am the mother of two wonderful children, so most days just getting a shower in feels like an accomplishment. I absolutely love every single moment with my children. Even the moments that make me want to pull my hair out. My kids are amazing. My son, Gabriel, will be 5 in November. My daughter, Sophia, will be 6 months in November. As time flies by and my kids age on a daily basis, there is one thing I constantly struggle with.... taking things day by day. It is something that I want to work on in my life and will be a constant theme in this blog. I want to write something at least once a week that made me realize how lucky I am to have what I have in a world where most of us want more than we can ever have. I want to try and put aside my woes and worries about money, lack of time, lack of space, etcetera. I just want to try and enjoy every single second that I have with my family and just live life day by day.
  Along with my two beautiful children I have a fiancée, James, who I have been with for almost 6 years now. My mom also currently lives with us because her and her boyfriend sold their house and he moved to Nevada where she will be joining him in May. My brother is also "temporarily" living with us on our couch until he gets his life situated... which seems to be taking a very long time. I love my family to death but as you can imagine in our three bedroom one bathroom apartment, things get a little strained from time to time. I do enjoy being so close to my family but it does take a toll on my sanity on a regular basis.
  There are a lot more things I would like to talk about but I believe the decaf tea is finally starting to do the trick. Time for this lady to head to bed. I do hope to write again soon and that you are all looking forward to my next post. Before I go I would like to tell a short happy moment story that happened last week.
  We were in the car on our way home from my fiancée's brother's house. It was just the two kids and myself. It was one of those rare car rides where Sophia was awake and content. The next thing I know I hear her laughing out loud. I look in the rear view mirror and she is looking at her brother and laughing for no reason at all. Well of course this absolutely warmed my heart and made me smile so at that point my son decided to make funny faces at her and that progressed into loud obnoxious noises. Typically, that would be extremely annoying. I would be really irritated especially in a small confined space like a car. However, this time I couldn't help but enjoy it. Here we were, on a normal day, just driving home and my children were laughing hysterically at each other for no reason at all. There is no better feeling than the unbelievable amount of joy I felt during that car ride. There is no better happiness than that of your children's happiness radiating through your entire being. This is a moment I will remember for the rest of my life. This is a moment I wouldn't trade for all the money in the entire world. This is a moment that makes life worth living.