Sunday, May 11, 2014

Rejuvenate your Motherhood

Dear Moms of the world,
     You... Yes you... Happy Mother's Day! Relax. Enjoy it. Embrace your children and your motherhood. That doesn't mean the dishes or laundry or vacuuming. It means embrace the little moments. Embrace the smiles. The laughs. The whining. The crazy. The happy. The sad. Embrace all of it. We as Moms are underappreciated most of the time. Yet, as a Mom myself, I believe I also underappreciate my kids a good portion of the time. None of us know what we have for time or what life will bring. It all just passes so quickly. So today, forget the crap and enjoy what's real. Embrace YOU and the mother that you are. You deserve a day off to wrap yourself in all the good that motherhood has brought. It is not always easy to find the good. Rejuvenate yourself today and remember all of it is good!

It's never easy and every day is new. So start new. Today and everyday.
Happy Mother's Day!
Love, love, love!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Life is too short to be anything but happy!

     If there is one thing I have learned it is that the people you keep in your life are the ones that will be there for you and the ones that make you happy. Life is absolutely too short to be anything but happy. Live for you and your family. No one else.
     I have had a very busy week and the it will continue to be just as busy! A lot of work but this weekend will be a busy but fun one spent with family for Sophia's 1st birthday and then Mother's Day! I am looking forward to spending some serious time with my kids!
       How are you spending this weekend?!
                             Love, love, love!