It was a birthday and graduation party for Nanny on Saturday night. She has completed her Masters Degree in Education and we are all so so so proud of all that she has accomplished. She also can only eat Paleo foods so she couldn't eat this cake that was made for her. The irony of her blowing out the candles on it was very amusing. It was a great night with so many old friends. All of the old gang that I used to live with and have some crazy pre-kid, late teen years parties with were there and it made for a seriously awesome and eventful night!
On Sunday morning, Melissa, Jenn and I geared up for the Color Run 5K! This was a before shot. It was cold an cloudy and mostly just a fast paced walk but my goal is that next year I will be able to run it! It's not a very big goal since it's only 3.1 miles but I am dedicated to making that happen!
These are some crazy after shots of us after we had finished. It was so fun getting hit by color at every turn! It's definitely something I recommend and something that I look forward to do again! Especially with these ladies! Nothing was better than hanging out with them! It was a complete and total blast!
Monday I spent all day with the kids. We went shoe shopping for sneakers, sandals and water shoes to get ready for our upcoming trips to Disney (30 days!!!!) and Sparks, NV (in August). Then we bought Sophia's birthday presents (which is in less than 2 weeks. I cannot believe how fast the time has flown by!) Then we went to Panera and the park with Nanny and Camila. It was chilly but still fun. I love seeing them laugh and have a great time! They're my favorite!
I saw this and I really liked it. It applies to me in a lot of ways and I relate to it on so many levels. Right now it applies to me and food and exercise. Last week I started to really count my calories and watch what I'm eating as well as exercise more regularly. I have a lot of goals coming my way and I'm gonna do my best to un-become everything that isn't really me and be who I have always been meant to be. For my friends, for my family, for my kids and most importantly for myself.
Lots more goals coming my way but I'm ready to take them on with full force!
Have an amazing week everyone!
Love, love, love!